Private Event & Retreats
Enhance and strengthen relationships through engaging and experiential activities and interventions. The goal is to promote growth, healing, restoration and exploration of relationships (friends, family members, partners, significant others and spouses). Activities are created to help you enjoy each other and connect on a deeper level. The events are specifically tailored to your wants and needs. People will explore new ways of relating in a positive and healthy manner and receive tips to sustain successful outcomes. An Analysis with summary of key points and recommendations will be provided.
Events and Retreats are designed to:
• Explore and learn ways to tolerate and accept differences
• Explore and learn problem-solving skills; learn ways to compromise and find mutual agreements
• Learn ways to get needs & wants met and meet needs & wants of your partner, friend, family member
• Increase couple & family cohesion & connectedness
• Learn ways to effectively communicate/strengthen communication
• Find ways to increase trust & intimacy
• Increase relationship fulfillment
• Gain a better understanding of yourself & your partner (family member, friend etc. ) in the relationship
• Explore & find ways to work through issues
For more information or to schedule your event/retreat with ECS, please call (248) 797-1188.